I am poolside at my parents house right now with three little people begging me to get off the computer and get in the water. I thought I would send a simple salad your way before I jump in. Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy your weekend :) Buttermilk Chicken Caesar Salad 1 1/2 cups Continue Reading …
Asian Noodle Salad
You may have noticed the limited selection of Pasta dishes on this site. That is because I don’t like pasta much. In order for me to enjoy a pasta dish, it must be truly fabulous. After hearing my sis rave about this Asian Noodle Salad multiple times, as well as another friend post it on Continue Reading …
Coffee Cake
I have a secret. Are you ready? Here it is… I don’t like coffee. I can’t stand the taste of it and I never drink it. I wish I could be a coffee drinker. I’m just not. I am and forever will be a hot chocolate girl. The worst part about all of this is Continue Reading …
Pineapple Green Chile Pork Tacos
Two weeks before my first son entered this world, I waddled out of the office to go on my maternity leave. That was six years ago and I still have not returned. Two years after Caleb was born, Bella made her way into this world, and a little over a year after that came our surprise baby Drew. That is Continue Reading …
Resurrection Rolls
Resurrection Rolls are the perfect treat to make with your little ones to share the meaning of Easter. Resurrection Rolls One can of crescent roll dough 8 large marshmallows (or one for each roll you’ll be making) Melted butter Cinnamon sugar Read John 19 while the oven is preheating to 350. Unroll the crescent rolls and Continue Reading …