A Day of Silence
Toot Sweet Giveaway!

It was almost three years ago when I was drowning in laundry, diapers and dishes… I was spending my days taking care of my three babies ages four and under. I was consumed with them but feeling as though I had lost myself. I needed something for me! Just a small space, that I could Continue Reading …
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

I always thought that one Halloween all three of my kids would wear coordinating costumes. I see other families with a Mickey and a Minnie, a Luke Skywalker and a Princess Leia, a princess and a knight. It’s cute, it’s adorable! I like the whole sibling costume coordinating thing but it’s just not going to happen Continue Reading …
Merry Christmas to Me, Merry Christmas to You!!!

Since December 1st hit, this is the first week I feel like I can finally breathe. Life has slowed down, the kids are out of school, I am finished with my baking and shopping, the Christmas cards have been mailed, most of my gifts have been wrapped and my new blog design is just Continue Reading …
I’m Moving….
I love the holiday season but all the hustle and bustle of the season is close to driving me to insanity! I have baked countless goodies, attended party after party, watched all 3 kids performances, wrapped gifts, taken family photos, shopped, shopped, shopped and in the midst of all the craziness been working behind the Continue Reading …