Resurrection Rolls

Resurrection Rolls are the perfect treat to make with your little ones to share the meaning of Easter.

Resurrection Rolls
One can of crescent roll dough
8 large marshmallows (or one for each roll you’ll be making)
Melted butter
Cinnamon sugar
Read John 19 while the oven is preheating to 350.
Unroll the crescent rolls and place on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  Explain that this is like the cloth they wrapped Jesus in.
Give your child a marshmallow and explain that it represents Jesus,
all white and pure because He was without sin.
Roll the marshmallows in the melted butter.
This symbolizes the embalming oils.
Roll the marshmallows in the cinnamon sugar.
This is like the spices used to prepare his body for burial.
Wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll cloth, pinching the dough together securely.  This represents how they wrapped Jesus’ body.
Put the rolls in the oven (symbolizing the tomb) and bake for 12 minutes.

While the rolls are baking, read John 20:1-18.

Open the tomb and remove the rolls. When they’re cool enough to handle, break one open and discover what happened to the marshmallow.
Happy Easter!
Source:  adapted from  Homegrown Mom

Tip Junkie handmade projects

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  1. 1
    ashley says:

    This is such a cute idea! I looooove it! Happy Easter.

  2. 3
    hsunamisweets says:

    These are so cute! I remember making resurrection cookies as a young kid. fun times :)

  3. 4
    Memória says:

    AMEN! What an inspiring post. I read Luke 24 today, but I'll be sure to read John 20 tonight before going to sleep. If only I had kids… :) j/k!

  4. 5
    Cooking with K says:

    I am going to remember these rolls next year for Easter…but I will be making them before that! Blessings, K

  5. 6
    Readable Eatables says:

    Great blog with lots of yummy looking recipes. Thanks for sharing!

  6. 7
    Monica H says:

    I love this. I've seen these marshmallow rolls before but I've never seen them called Ressurection Rolls. Perfect treat to accompany a miraculous story.

  7. 8
    Anonymous says:

    This was the first thing we ever made in 7th grade HomeEc class. They have been a go to as an adult.
    Serve w/ a praline ice cream or strawberry…AMAZINGLY TASTY!!!!

  8. 9
    Lindsay says:

    This is such a cute idea, thanks for sharing! I found this idea on pinterest.

  9. 10
    Holly says:

    just found this via pinterest. I love this idea! Great for kids to have a hands on experience in understand this great Bible story!

  10. 11
    Jade Cahoon says:

    I just found you and L.O.V.E. this idea!! Thank you so much for sharing … I teach 1st-4th graders at church on Wed. Nights. I'm going to totally do this with them! Thanks again!
    Jade C. @ Effie's Recipe Box

  11. 12
    Katie says:

    These look wonderful! (even though it's not Easter :) )

  12. 13
    P3tal_Pnk33 says:

    Love this idea, but what temp do you bake them for 10 mins?


  13. 14
    Allie says:

    Good question! Just follow the baking directions on your cresent roll package for oven temp and cook time. Thanks for stopping by :)

  14. 15
    Amy says:

    I just found this in pinterest. Couldn't wait to try. The one thing I would say – make sure you pinch your seams securely (I know you mention it – I just need to stress it). I didn't get them secure enough and my marshmallow went everywhere :-) they were still delicious though and the kids got the point :-) Thanks!

  15. 16
    Debi Spears says:

    You are one amazing mommy, let alone a tender Christian, whom I appreciate! I love this wonderful idea and recipe. As a “Grammy”, I look forward to making these with my little angels some day!

  16. 17
    Stephanie says:

    I just found your blog and love love love this idea! I am going to remember to do this with my kiddos this Easter! (can’t wait!) Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  17. 18
    tiffanue says:

    Loved these!! But my marshmallows exploded out of my rolls. they were still yummy.

    • 19
      Emmi Vanrique says:

      The same thing happened to mine! Still taste great, just not quite as pretty and a little stickier for the smaller kids.

  18. 20
    Liz says:

    This is such a sweet way to tell the story of Christ’s resurrection for kids, and the rolls sound delicious. Thanks to Pinterest for the find!

  19. 21
    Kathy says:

    These are delicous!! However, no matter how hard I tried to pinch them together and not leak, it didn’t happen. is there a secret to that because I tried really hard. They were still the bomb diggity!!!

    • 22
      Allie says:

      I don’t know if there is a “secret”. I pinched all of mine closed tight too and a few of mine leaked out and others didn’t so I just think they can be a bit tricky. I’m glad you still enjoyed them :)

  20. 24
    Chris says:

    I love this!

  21. 25

    I just wanted to say that I think this recipe and the meaning is brilliant! I love it! I have three boys 6, 10, 13 and I know they know the meaning behind Easter and the resurrection. But what a great say to drive the point home that they’ll never forget. Sometimes you have to get back to the basics without getting to deep into the meaning of the scriptures, and this is perfect! I’m so glad I came across it. Thank you!

  22. 26

    Wow these look fab.
    REPINNED!! :)

  23. 27
    Kathy Lennon says:

    What a wonderful idea. Creative way to teach our children and grandchildren.

  24. 28
    Becky Kirch says:

    What a pleasant surprise to see a fun activity for Easter that isn’t about the Easter Bunny!! I am overjoyed and will be using this recipe and teachable moment with my grandkids!

    I’m so excited…Keep up the good work!

  25. 29
    Sandra says:

    So cute! What book are you reading in these pics?

  26. 31
    Sharon says:

    THis is such a wonderful idea to teach kids about the Resurection of Jesus. May God Bless you for sharing …

  27. 32
    Emiy says:

    I just saw these on Pintrest and they are so great! I love the teachable moment that can come out of baking rolls!

  28. 33
    SamCyn says:

    Found you through Pinterest…This is brilliant! I just love it…Thanks for sharing, blessings :)
    SamCyn recently posted..STS: Happy Valentine’s (aka Love) DayMy Profile

  29. 34
    Lindsey says:

    But does it TASTE good?

  30. 36
    laura says:

    Love this Thanks!

  31. 37
    Polly says:

    What a delicious looking Bible lesson! We made the overnight cookies one time, but I think the kids will love this even more. With the overnight cookies, we “sealed the tomb” by putting masking tape on the cool oven. I wonder if the tape would be okay with a hot oven?

    Thanks for this wonderful idea!!
    Polly recently posted..Through a child’s eyesMy Profile

  32. 38
    Lisa says:

    Hi, I love this idea, and am planning to make this for Easter this year. I have 2 boys, ages 2 and 3. Can you please tell me what Bible is pictured above, as we have several, but only one 1 like, and that one looks like it would be the next step up for us.

    Thanks much!

  33. 40
    Hope VanScoy says:

    I looking forward to doing this with my grandchildren and my Sunday School!

  34. 41
    Crystal says:

    I love the idea of this recipe…I hope many, many people see it so they can remember what the real reason of Easter is….

  35. 42
    joan says:

    I just made these and all the marshmallow leaked out. I’m going to try wetting the edges next time, also do you think biscuits would work better? but they were so tasty !!! thank you so much.

    • 43
      Allie says:

      I don’t know why the marshmallow leaks out of some and not the others. I had that happen to some of mine too. I haven’t tried biscuits before but let me know how it works out if you do :)

      • 44
        Madalyn says:

        Are they easy to make?  Could a 12 year old make these by herself or would it be too hard?

        • 45
          Allie says:

          These are easy to prepare. The only tricky part is wrapping it around the marshmallow so that the marshmallow doesn’t escape and leak out during the baking. Good luck!

  36. 46
    Carrie says:

    I found these on pinterest and thought they were such a great idea…so I went to your blog and realized it was you!!!!  It is fun to see your stuff on pinterest!  Great Job.  Also, these are in the oven, can’t wait to try them.
    Carrie Lomax

  37. 47
    Kathy says:

    Is there a way I can share this on facebook with my friends? I found you on facebook, but can’t find this to share.

    • 48
      Allie says:

      If you copy and paste the url into your status update, it should provide the link. Thank you for sharing this post with your friends :)

  38. 49
    Jonnique says:

    Love love love the name of the rolls! Your newest follower! Can you please link to my Taste This Thursday party?

  39. 50
    LaRae Lewis says:

    Thank you for this amazing idea! God bless!

  40. 51
    Taryn says:

    Love this! Going to do this as part of the egg hunt I am leading at church, and shared a link here:

  41. 52
    Nikki Colton says:

    Oh my goodness! What a wonderful idea!! I absolutely love it and will be doing this with my son. Thank you so much for sharing! :)
    Nikki Colton recently posted..23 Things That I Want Jack To KnowMy Profile

  42. 53
    Kristen says:

    What Children’s bible are you using? I’m doing these for my son’s preschool class and I am having a hard time finding a bible that has John 19 – 20 on a level that kids get that has the information I need.

  43. 55
    Jordan says:


    I’m thinking of doing this for our childrens church group on easter but I would be baking the rolls a few hours before the kids will eat them. Do you think that will work ok? Will they still taste as yummy?


    • 56
      Allie says:

      The rolls will still turn out and taste yummy if you make them ahead of time. You might want to demonstrate the process of making the roll to the children and tell them the story that goes along with it before pulling out their already made yummy treat :)

  44. 57
    Michele says:

    I made these with my first graders yesterday and they LOVED them! :)

  45. 58
    Rene says:

    Just what I was looking for! I wanted a reminder of the symbolism of each part. Thanks for the pictures and great detail!

  46. 59
    Chrystal says:

    Excited to be doing this with my sons for the first time this week! Thank you for sharing not only the recipe but the corresponding story:)
    Chrystal recently posted..Movie Theater MoralsMy Profile

  47. 60

    Loved the Resurrection Rolls and how to teach the beautiful story along with it.

  48. 61
    veronica r says:

    Allie, What an awesome idea!! I have a six yr old son that will love making these! He knows Jesus died and rose again at Easter and will be over the moon to tell his little friends at school about the cool treats he and Mommy got to make showing the empty tomb!!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  49. 62
    Michelle S. says:

    We did these for Family Home Evening last night with our 2 year-old. It really turned out better than expected. While I was explaining the different elements {marshmellow=Jesus, butter=oils, etc} I was thinking, “maybe this is too over his head?”. While Dad took him in to get into pj’s, a marshmellow in his hand, I heard him say “this is Jesus” {holding up the marshmellow}. Little one’s know….they know. Thank you for sharing something that will become a tradition in our house at Easter time. I have also shared this on my blog that I do with my good friend Nan, She Said, with a link to your post Thanks again!

  50. 63
    Rachel Cave says:

    I love this idea it is so good to be able to use to teach kids the story. The True story of the Lord many kids do not even know.

  51. 64
    linda says:

    did you use crescent rolls (triangles) or dough sheets that you cut into squares?…you didn’t say

  52. 66
    Connie Kiers says:

    what an interesting illustrative…very inspiring

  53. 67
    Dixie says:

    Awesome. Nice to know there are other Christians and such a good way to teach children about Easter/Jesus- with a treat. Likely to make an impression to last a lifetime! : D


  54. 68
    Sandy M says:

    What a wonderful idea I just love it.

  55. 69
    Angela says:

    Just did these with my 2 1/2 year old this morning. My husband wasn’t sure he was getting it but when he finally got to eat one, he said “Jesus is gone!!” We are definitely making this an Easter tradition. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial. This was a great blessing for my family today! (Not to mention how tasty they are!!)

  56. 70
    Tieko says:

    These were great! My kids loved making them and telling their dad what each step represented. Dad loved eating them. Next year I think we will make them Easter morning. Thanks so much for inspiring my family. God bless! 

  57. 71
    Faye L. says:

    Hi! Thanks for posting this idea on your website! Would you please let me know which Children’s Bible you used? I love the illustrations that are in the pics above. Please let me know. Thanks!

  58. 73
    Allie C. says:

    Love your idea for resurrection rolls!! Just wondering where you got the cute book that your kids are reading the story out of, while making the rolls?

  59. 75
    Lisa says:

    My extended family made these and we had great fun with them. Thank you for posting this. I shared your idea on my blog too. :)

  60. 76
    Karen says:

    LOVE this!  Will be doing this with my g-babies!

  61. 77
    meg h says:

    is there a substiture for the crescent roll mixture?

    • 78
      Allie says:

      You could make homemade rolls and use the dough as a substitute. That would involve quite a bit more time and effort but I’m sure would be very tasty!

  62. 79
    Debi says:

    I read every response to your blog for the Resurrection Rolls, so I won’t repeat all the wonderful exclamations. I will only say that MY childhood memories of times like this with my family always come flooding back to me with every Holiday, Holy Day or normal day. Putting stories of Christ together with hands on, beginning to end participation, will remain with the children ALL OF THEIR LIVES! May God Bless You for sharing with all of us anonymous internet people and may God Bless your family too!

    • 80
      Allie says:

      Thank you so much for your kind encouraging comment! I hope the memories I am making now with my kids will continue to bless them in their future :)

  63. 81
    Makenna says:

    Hey I was just wondering what does the oven have to be set to? Thank youuu! 

    • 82
      Allie says:

      Follow the directions on the package of the dough and bake accordingly. I think I did 350 but I’m not sure if they are all the same.

  64. 83
    Becky Phillmore says:

    12 minutes was WAAAAAAAY too long for me. 8 minutes tops i’d say.

  65. 84
    Deanna says:

    we made these last night and they were wonderful! They were gone in a matter of minutes!

  66. 85
    Emily says:

    Tried these, and they did not work

  67. 86
    Kimmie says:

    I found this on Pinterest. Great recipe, but I will be skipping all the religious stuff. Not religious.

  68. 87
    Cody says:

    I found this page via Pinterest where they called your rolls Hocus Pocus Rolls but I am absolutely in awe about how you link making the rolls to the resurrection of Christ. I cannot wait to try this with my little ones!!
    Cody recently posted..A Baby StoryMy Profile

  69. 88
    Nicki says:

    My family has made these every Easter since my mom was a little girl in the 60s! One of my favorite family traditions. We cover them in a milk and powdered sugar frosting though, with extra cinnamon. Extra delicious! :)

  70. 89
    Tania says:

    What a great lesson!  Would you please tell me if you used unsalted butter and what your ratio of cinnamon and sugar?  Thanks!

    • 90
      Allie says:

      I used salted butter but unsalted would work too. I don’t have an exact ratio for the cinnamon sugar, I just eyeball it. If I had to guess, I would say maybe 1/2 cup sugar to a heaping tablespoon of cinnamon. Hope this helps :)

  71. 92
    Annie says:

    Thanks for sharing the recipe and of course the story! Made them tonight and my hubby and grandchild LOVED them!

  72. 93
    Janet says:

    My mouth is WATERING!!! It is two in the morning where I am at and I feel the compulsion to go to the store and get the supplies NOW!!! lol. They look delish! Thank You Pinterst! And thank you! God bless.

  73. 94
    Sandi says:

    I made these last night, and though they tasted pretty good, but the marshmallows did not disappear in any of them. Instead they turned into giant baseball sized marshmallows while cooking. After the buns cooled the marshmallows did shrink some but they were still there. Maybe I did something wrong, I don’t know.

    • 95
      Allie says:

      I’m sorry they didn’t turn out for you. I’m not sure what went wrong…

    • 96
      kate says:

      My guess is that the marshmallows weren’t covered covered completely in melted butter… i would imagine that’s the only possible way they might expand rather than melt

    • 97
      Casey says:

      I had the same problem.  Still a good a activity though.  We’ll try it again next year.

  74. 98
    Bonnie says:

    My mom made these years ago when I was a teenager. Warning from lesson learned: Make sure you seal the croissant roll’s edges completely. My mom wasn’t so careful and while in the oven, when the marshmallows got hot enough, they exploded, squirting out of the crescent rolls like geysers. We all watched in awe. It was hilarious, but messy. My mom spent hours cleaning the oven.

  75. 99
    nanny says:

    This is a wonderful recipe and a great example for Easter

  76. 100

    How wonderful! I love this recipe. It reminds me of my sons and grandson. There is nothing in the world like spending time with our children and teaching them about JESUS! 
    Thank you for sharing 

  77. 101
    audreyann says:

    what a cute idea to teach children God Bless!

  78. 102
    Kacie Lehman says:

    I absolutely love how you explain this to kids! I am totally using it when i have kids! Such a neat way!

  79. 103
    Dixie Roberson says:

    What a wonderful bible story for little ones and old ones like me. Visual is always easy to understand.

  80. 104
    Tina says:

    Made these this morning as we emerged unscathed from Hurricane Isaac. The kids loved helping (and eating stray marshmallows). The rolls were Delicious, but they ended up as huge, toasty marshmallow cribs. I wish I could share a picture here. We laughed and laughed at the mutant things we had made. And enjoyed every bite of the icky sticky goodness!
    Tina recently posted..Ivory Soap ProjectMy Profile

    • 105
      Allie says:

      I’m glad you made it safely through Hurricane Isaac! Food is much more about taste than looks right!?! Glad they still tasted good :)

  81. 106
    Connie says:

    I also found these on Pintrest as Hocus Pocus Rolls. I can’t wait to try them for Halloween this year! They will be great as mummies disappearing from a haunted tomb!

  82. 107
    Scott says:

    these are also GREAT made with puff pastry instead of crescent rolls….

  83. 108
    Muriel Paul says:

    Wow those look really yummy…can not wait to try them. :)

  84. 109
    Sue says:

    This is the sweetest, most profound story/recipe for children regarding Christ and the Resurrection, that I have ever seen!  I saw the recipe as “Hocus Pocus Rolls” and it looked good, but this is the site it took me to, and I’m so glad I clicked on the picture and found your story!!  

    I have no children, parents, or siblings, and I’ve always wanted to share my stories and recipes on a blog, but I just have no idea of how to do it.  The sites I’ve been to for “beginners” is in another language to me!  Perhaps if you have the time or inclination, you could give me a few pointers.

    Thank you for the lovely story….and the yummy treats!


  85. 110
    Heather says:

    Thank you so much for this! As a mother of 2 young boys that are reaching an age where they can start to understand this beautiful story, I find it very warming that I can share this recipe and story with them for as long as I can.

  86. 111
    SANDY says:


  87. 112
    marci says:

    Made these last night.. they are so good!

  88. 113
    Marsha Lynn says:

    You don’t explain how to prepare the crescent roll dough. Should it be a square? On these instructions, it doesn’t look lilke the triangular shape of a crescent roll. Thank you, and God bless you!

    • 114
      Allie says:

      The crescent dough was triangular shape, it does not need to be square. Thanks for visiting Eat at Allie’s :)

  89. 115
    Julie says:


  90. 116
    Chiquita says:

    I just made this and they are awesome!!!!! 

  91. 117
    dlfrn57 says:

    Love it…will have to show this to my daughters!

  92. 118
    Sandy says:

    I have made these using crushed candy canes instead of the cinnamon sugar

  93. 119
    Jane Hayes says:

    I love ways to share Jesus with my grandchildren. Thank you for sharing!

  94. 120
    Paula Huerta says:

    You are so creative!! I’m excited to try these Resurrection Rolls this Easter ;)

  95. 121
    Michelle says:

    These look like a lot of fun. And, for those who were a little turned off by them being called “Hocus Pocus” Rolls, it might be interesting to hear one theory behind the origins of the phrase:

    (from Many people today believe it originated in a corrupted form of the words of the consecration of the host in the old Latin mass: hoc est (enim) corpus (meum), “this is my body” Interesting idea, since those words were said by Jesus Thursday evening in the Upper Room as he gathered with his disciples. Just some food for thought! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  96. 122
    Jessica cobb says:

    Love love love this idea!! thank you for posting it!

  97. 123
    Amber Hatcher says:

    Were finally getting to put up the Christmas decorations tonight. I have been wanting to make these with the kids for a while. Today I went to my Recipes board where I saved them to make at a later date. It wasn’t until I went into your website that I saw the name of these. Too cute! Even more reason to make them tonight. Thank you.

  98. 124
    Charlotte says:

    In our family they are called “Grammy’s Cinnamon Rolls”. She just passed away this year and the day of hr service, the family got together that morning and made the rolls. They are the best.

  99. 125
    Cheryl says:

    My mother made these probably like 40 years ago. I make these for my kids, however, years ago the marshmallow use to melt all the way and now for some reason the marshmallow does not melt.

  100. 126
    Lee says:

    Love the story, love the ides!!! God Bless!!!

  101. 127
    Mary p. says:

    Hi there I would really love to put this recipe in my favorites folder however I cant just copy and paste it.  Will you please email it to me.  Thank you

    • 128
      Michelle Oliveira says:

      Hi, I live in Brazil and I can’t find the crescent roll dough, do you think I can use a recipe of cinnamon roll to make these?

  102. 130
    Deborah Jackson says:

    Wonderful way to explain to small children.  Excellent!

  103. 131
    Tina says:

    I just made these. They didn’t turn out like I had expected! First off, the marshmallow does NOT “disappear” like it was said to. It just puffs up and overflows the sides and tops of the bun. You do not have to cook these any longer than 8 minutes. They are not as pretty as the picture and they don’t come out a soft as they look. They taste good, but they’re not delicious. Nothing really all that special. I was expecting them to taste as good as they look here and I was disappointed. I won’t make these again. 

  104. 132


  105. 133
    Leslie says:

    I love this idea and it is something that my 2-year-old can grasp the idea of Easter by doing! Thank you!

  106. 134
    Shasta says:

    I have tried to make these rolls twice now and both times the marshmallows ooze out of the crescent roll, what am I doing wrong? Please help.

  107. 136

    What a darling idea! Thanks for sharing! Saw this over on Remodelaholic!

    I noticed that you know Casey Haynes of Haynes photography! Are you from Sacramento? Casey and I have a mutual friend! Small world! :)

    • 137
      Allie says:

      Thanks! Yes, we live in the Sacramento area. Casey took our family photos for us last year. Such a small world!

  108. 138

    Beautiful work, sad to say I am seeing it stolen all over the place…..Glad I was able to track down your original post!
    Jennifer Paul Gibson recently posted..Simple Country Apple DumplingsMy Profile

  109. 139
    Nikki says:

    Great. thanks for sharing. Would you mind telling me what book it is you are reading to your little ones? I love the pictures.

  110. 141

    Not only does this sound like a delicious recipe, I absolutely love the significance behind them and how they can be a tool to teach children the story of Easter. Absolutely lovely on each and every level.
    Kate | Food Babbles recently posted..Nutella Mousse Pie with Caramel Bugles CrustMy Profile

  111. 142

    I used to do this with cookies. So much fun!
    Rachel @ {I Love} My Disorganized Life recently posted..Wicked Good Wednesdays #17My Profile

  112. 143
    Emily says:

    Pinned these and think it’s a lovely idea! Thank you for your creativeness!!!!! I’m making them Saturday…the day before Easter!

  113. 144
    Tanya Thompson says:

    We just made these and the kids loved making them, hearing the Easter story, and eating them too, yum!  I asked my 5 year old daughter where Jesus went when we cut open the roll, her response was “IN MY TUMMY”.  Thanks Allie for sharing these with us.  Love your blog, of course!!!  Tanya

  114. 145
    Renay says:

    this is so amazing.  Never seen this before and I absolutely love it!!  Thank you for sharing it with us.  Now I have a new tradition to share with my grandbabies :)

  115. 146
    Bob Kincaid says:

    Thanks for giving us such an easy and visual way to teach our children that Jesus was white! The Grand Kleagle told me this past Saturday it was the best thing he’d ever seen for getting our children on the right path before secular society can warp their minds with all that “multi-culturalism.”

  116. 147
    Kimberly says:

    I was wondering if you made these for a party do they taste good still have the have cooled?? Seems like they would only be good right out the oven. Thanks let me know!

  117. 149
    Joyce says:

    I Love This thank you

  118. 150
    tonya rundio says:

    i love the resurrection rolls recipe and how it was put together very nice love that

  119. 151
    Maggie says:

    Clever, clever. This is a wonderful way to teach children about this most incredible event. Cudos to you.

  120. 152
    thelma curtis says:

    I would love to print this so I could use it for Childrens Church on Easter . I make the resurrection cookie but they are different. They were a big hit with the parents also.
    Thank you for sharing .

  121. 153
    Ann says:

    What a wonderful way to teach the kids the real meaning of Easter. I love the creativity.

  122. 154


  123. 155
    samantha says:

    I just found this on pinterest and was wondering if anyone tried making smaller versions of tyese by cutting the crescent rolls up and using mini marshmallows? 

  124. 156
    samantha says:

    so cute but didnt work

  125. 158
    Falon Lowrance says:

    This is so amazing. I’m doing this with my children for Easter.. Great thing to do with small children at church!!

  126. 159

    Hi Allie! We love making resurrection rolls every year. Just wanted to pop in and let you know that I included your recipe in a roundup of Easter activities to point kids toward the cross.

    Thanks for sharing, and Happy Easter!
    Leslie Ann Jones recently posted..7 Ways to Teach Kids About EasterMy Profile

  127. 160
    Brooke says:

    I love this, and the fact that you tied the baking steps (butter and cinnamon) to the burial steps was completely genius! I’ll be sharing this on my blog for Easter! Thanks for your recipe!
    Brooke recently posted..10 at home date night ideas – Dating Your Spouse SeriesMy Profile

  128. 161
    Stacey says:

    Love this! Will be doing this w my daughter. I was wondering what book you have in the pics that you read to the kids? Thanks in advance!