I am poolside at my parents house right now with three little people begging me to get off the computer and get in the water. I thought I would send a simple salad your way before I jump in. Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy your weekend :) Buttermilk Chicken Caesar Salad 1 1/2 cups Continue Reading …
Foodbuzz 24×24: The Ultimate S’more Bar
Summer is filled with the simplest of pleasures: sunshine, swimming, popsicles, barefeet, barbecues, late nights. The memories made during the summer months last far beyond the heat of August. I try my best to be relaxed and yet intentional during this season, to allow for lazy days and yet at the same time create memory Continue Reading …
Review: Easy Canvas Prints
Mommy guilt is something that has haunted me since I was pregnant with my firstborn. I felt guilty if I went a day without eating any sort of vegetable. I felt guilty for “overdoing” it and going into preterm labor. I felt guilty that I wasn’t making a scrapbook of my baby’s first year. The list goes Continue Reading …
Asian Noodle Salad
You may have noticed the limited selection of Pasta dishes on this site. That is because I don’t like pasta much. In order for me to enjoy a pasta dish, it must be truly fabulous. After hearing my sis rave about this Asian Noodle Salad multiple times, as well as another friend post it on Continue Reading …